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Activity in La Grave

Freeride discovery of the Vallons de la Meije

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Discovery of off-piste skiing in La Grave, between Ecrins and Oisans, in the Hautes Alpes. At the top of the Grave cable car, on the Girose glacier, from the Dôme de la Lauze at 3,568 meters or on the classic routes of the Vallons de la Meije and Chancel, this day's program will take you into the the wild and off-piste universe of La Grave la Meije. In the midst of an exceptional panorama of La Meije, the Écrins and Grandes Rousses massifs and further afield that of Mont-Blanc, the descents take place among gentle to moderate slopes that are pleasant to ski. So many assets to get to know the area, perfect your technique in off-piste skiing or take valuable landmarks for other days. Difficulty levels: You regularly practice skiing on the slopes and sometimes the edges of the slopes. You are able to spin at any time and control your speed. You are able to ski a whole day on irregular snow. Included: Supervision by a high mountain guide, Professional Civil Liability Insurance, DVA, Shovel, Probe. guides), Personal Accident Insurance, Clothing adapted to the activity (warm underwear, fleece jacket, down jacket, gore-tex type jacket, ski pants, ski socks, hat, warm gloves, under gloves), Mask ski boots, sunglasses, sunscreen, water bottle or thermos, cakes, race food, Skis, shoes, poles (equipment adapted to the terrain and your practice), helmet, air bag (not compulsory), backpack that can contain the shovel and the probe (approximately 35l), Meal expenses for clients and the guide, Transport to the place of activity and shuttles or taxi returns Meeting places: Appointments are made in the morning at the Office of Guides de la Grave. The outing is guaranteed from 4 people s. If this minimum is not reached, we will inform you by SMS the day before the release


_RD 1091
05320 La Grave
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