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Activity in La Grave

Glacier hike day at La Grave

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Go to the Lauze pass on the Girose glacier or to the Replat or Clot des Cavales passes and enjoy magnificent panoramas from Vercors to Mont Blanc, from Vanoise to Mont Thabor, pretty peaks as far as the eye can see and just next to the majestic Meije. During the outings you will learn the basics of glacier evolution. From 10 years old. Children accompanied by an adult Difficulty levels: You are regular hikers and you want to go see higher, we are here, to accompany your first strides up there: on the snow, the rock, and sometimes both at the same time , we will take the time to discover the basic techniques linked to the practice of the mountain. Be in good shape and participate in a sporting activity regularly. Calmly consider a 3 to 5 hour walk over a day at a leisurely and steady pace, with a light backpack. (Picnic, drinks and daily clothes). Included: Supervision by a high mountain guide or a state certified instructor, Professional Civil Liability Insurance, Collective technical equipment (rope ...). Personal Accident Insurance, ski pass (possibility to buy it at the guides office the same morning), Clothing adapted to the activity, Water bottle, race food, backpack (about 35l), Sunglasses , cap and sunscreen, harness, A pair of cramponable mountain shoes,, Hiking stick (recommended), Classic ice ax. Crampons with anti-boots adjusted to your shoes, Transport to the place of activity, Picnic for daytime activities Meeting place: Meetings are in the morning in front of the Guides Office of the GraveThe exit is guaranteed from 3 people. If this minimum is not reached, we will inform you by SMS the day before the exit


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