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Holiday voucher in La Grave

Group gift voucher 1/4 pers - ski touring day

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A discipline in full development for the past fifteen years, ski touring is for many the most beautiful way to traverse the snow-capped virgin mountain. It is the joy of immersing yourself in wild mountains, of climbing and descending on skis, passes and summits away from ski areas during a day accompanied by a high mountain guide. With his companions, the cross-country skier shares the observation and analysis of the terrain, the choice of the route, the effort and the pleasure of reaching a summit on his own. After having drawn on your physical resources, the feeling of having deserved your descent in virgin snow is strong and very often becomes addictive. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, the country of La Meije is a privileged place for ski touring and is full of opportunities. From initiation on the heights of Chazelet to the Grand Tour de la Meije via its glaciers, our guides will help you experience this activity with maximum serenity.


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